
This is indeed a truly sad problem. The popular book/movie “ One Flew Over the Cukoo’s Nest” helped to demonize these institutions. Long acting anti-psychotic medications may be given by injection. This helps somewhat with non-compliance. I believe a commitment to better long term facilities is the the lesser of the evils. Unfortunately, there is still a very public stigma of mental illness. If a tiny fraction of our governments budgets went to humane care this might help. But advocates for improved mental health are not as powerful as unions, the NRA, and other special interests. Our society has little “special interest” in the chronically ill patients.



David Mokotoff, MD
David Mokotoff, MD

Written by David Mokotoff, MD

David Mokotoff is a top and boosted writer. He is a retired MD, passionate about health, medicine, gardening, and food, https://tinyurl.com/y7bjoqkd

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