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The Medium App for MacOS is Cumbersome and Annoying due to This One Flaw.
The story “snap back” feature of Medium for MacOS makes it incredibly tricky to navigate
I am not an Android, Samsung, or PC person. I was forced to use non-Apple computers and Microsoft operating systems when I worked in healthcare. But at home, and since retiring, I have been a dedicated Apple person. My Medium writing is done on a new Mac Book Pro laptop with the latest Monterey operating system. While some Medium features are better on MacOS than iOS there is one prominent and annoying feature of the Medium app when not using an iOS device. And that is the “snap back” feature. Let me explain.
Medium lists stories “it thinks” I would like to read on my Homepage. Some I skim or start and then decide I don’t want to read entirely. So, I move down to the next one. When I am finished reading and go back to the list, it snaps me back to the top of the reading list, and I have to scroll down again through dozens of titles that I have either read or rejected. This feature would be akin to reading an electronic book, stopping for a while, and the device is not remembering what page you were reading and forcing you back to the beginning of the book.
I can’t imagine there isn’t a fix for this. I assume Medium knows about this issue since Apple users are not rare. If Medium’s…